Original Title: Der Wadenmesser Oder Das Wilde Leben Des W. Mozart
Beyond the well-worn paths of reception, Kurt Palm sets off on a search for the now hazy trail of the genius known as “Amadeus” and discovers a master of scatological humor, an obsessive gambler and anarchist who liked to be called “Lord von Pigdick.” Kurt Palm, well-known Austrian playwright and director, has set off on the trail of an individual everyone’s supposedly familiar with: Wolfgang “Amadeus” Mozart, universally loved composer and genius from Salzburg.
Technical Information
2005; Austria; Documentary; 90 minutes; HDCAM; 1:1.77 (16:9); Stereo; Original Language: German; Subtitles: English
Kurt Palm
Hermann Dunzendorfer
Karina Ressler
Wolfgang Amadé Mozart, Chrono Popp, Andreas Karner
Fischer Film
Markus Fischer
Roland Freinschlag
Kurt Palm
Kurt Palm
Rüdiger Wolf
Rüdiger Wolf
Hans Bankl
Hans Bankl
Julius Müller
Julius Müller
Evelyne Martinek
Evelyne Martinek
Stefan Weber
Stefan Weber
Geneviève Geffray
Geneviève Geffray

In 1981 Palm wrote his dissertation on Brecht and Austira at the University of Salzburg. Since 1982, Kurt Palm works as a director, writer and educational worker. In 1989 he founded the legendary theater group Sparverein “Die Unzertrennlichen” in Vienna. From 1994 to 1996 he directed 24 episodes of the show hosted by Hermes Phettberg. Since November 19th 1998 Palm is a member of the Society of Jem Casey, Dublin. He lives in Vienna and Litzlberg am Attersee.
Selective Filmography
Feature Film
2005 The Measuring of the Calves
2003 The Cut Through the Throat
1997 At Swim-Two-Birds
Feature Documentary
2007 Hermes Phettberg, Wretch
coming soon…

After finishing high school (1979) and job training, Markus Fischer began working as a cinematographer. In 1988 he passed the state-certified producer exam and founded Fischer Markus Filmproduktion, based in Linz, Upper Austria.
In 1998, Markus Fischer decided to take a further step towards more independence and founded the Vienna-based Fischer Film GmbH.
With this company, it is Fischer’s goal to develop and produce Austrian films by well known filmmakers, as well as by young and talented writers, directors and artists and also European Co-Productions. Markus Fischer is a member of the “aafp – Association of Austrian Film Producers,” the Association of the Music and Film Industry Austria, and an EAVE graduate (Les Entrepreneurs de l’Audiovisuel Europeen).
Selective Filmography
Feature Film
2014 Kafka, Ganja, Maniacs
2007 Midsummer Madness
2005 Fremde Haut
2004 Fräulein Phyllis
Feature Documentary
2012 Slatin Pascha
2011 Gas Monopoly