Original Title
There are debts no honest man can pay …
When his gambling addiction blows up his life on every front, low-tier professional footballer Jermaine tries to escape, making one bad choice after another. As he descends deeper and deeper into catacombs of his own creation, he ultimately faces a choice that is as unthinkable as it seems inevitable.
Technical Information
2018; The Netherlands, Belgium; Thriller, Football; 92 minutes; DCP, ProRes; 2,35:1 (16:9); 5.1 mix, Stereo; Original Language: English, Mandarin, Dutch; Subtitles: English
Victor D. Ponten
Mustafa Duygulu, Victor D. Ponten
Lennart Verstegen
Patrick Schonewille
Daniel Tuparia
Zbigniew Wolny
Lieke Scholmann
Sander Verdonk
Julius Ponten
New Amsterdam Film Company
Benoit Roland
Wrong Men North
Willem de Bruin
Jermaine Slagter
Kevin Janssens
Kevin van Looy
Orion Lee
Charlie Yuen
Charlotte Vandermeersch
Werner Kolf

Victor D. Ponten
Victor D. Ponten developed and directed several advertising campaigns, music videos, commercials, books and short films. 2011 he directed his first feature film RABAT, for which actor Nasrdin Dchar won a Golden Calf for best actor.
After Rabat, Victor was creative producer of Taihuttu’s feature film WOLF (2013), which won Golden Calf awards for best direction and best actor (Marwan Kenzari), and, among other things, he wrote and directed a music video for Yellow Claw, Diplo & LNY TNZ (‘Techno’, almost 24 million views on youtube) and the short film Passage (2015), starring Teun Kuilboer and Willem de Bruin. CATACOMBE is Victor’s second feature film.

With his childhood friend Twan van Steenhoven (aka Big2), Willem de Bruin (Noordeinde, 1986) starts the rapduo The Opposites while still in school. After making an appearance on the Par tysquad-hit ‘Wat wil je doen’, their debut album is released at the end of 2005 at the label Top Notch. They won several awards. 2014 the two split up and Willem becomes proficient at kickboxing. In 2011 he fights in Bangkok for the BNN show Try Before You Die. He also trains with actor Marwan Kenzari to help him prepare for his award-winning role as a boxer in the Habbekrats film WOLF. In 2013 Willem makes his acting debut in ‘Para’, an episode of the television series Van God Los, written and directed by Paloma Aguilera Valdebenito (Out of Love). In that same year, he impresses with his performance in the Opposites video ‘Sukkel voor de Liefde’, directed by Paul Geusebroek. In 2015 he stars alongside Teun Kuilboer, among others, as a wannabe gangster in Victor D. Ponten’s short film ‘Passage’. Shooting for CATACOMBE started in 2017, while he also worked on his first solo album. The album was released in October 2018, and recently won the 3voor12 Award for Best Dutch Album of The Year.

Kevin Janssens (°1979) studied at the Studio Herman Teirlinck (Antwerp) and got his first important role in his last year of his studies, when he was asked to play the leading role in a mini TV series about a boxer called KING OF THE WORLD, by Guido Henderickx. Continuously, he performed several serious leading roles in Belgium, in the popular TV Series WINDKRACHT : KOKSIJDE RESCUE and the crime series MISSING. He played in Jan Verheyens romantic comedy ZOT VAN A. and MAD ABOUT YOU by Hilde Van Mieghem. Since his performance in THE ARDENNES by Robin Pront, in a production of Oscar Nominated Producer Bart Van Langendonck for Savage Film, his career had a turning point. The film was selected for many festivals , amongst them the TORONTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. He recently was seen in the French-Belgian production ABOVE THE LAW by François Troukens together with Olivier Gourmet, Bouli Lanners and Lubna Azabel , which had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival and in Coralie Fargeats film REVENGE together with Mathilda Lutz, which is selected for SUNDANCE. Next to CATACOMBE by Victor D. Ponten and a Belgian TV series called OPEN WATER by Tom Lenaerts, where he both played the leading role, he also starred in the French film Les Confins Du Monde by Guillaume Nicloux , next to Gérard Depardieu. His lates film DE PATRICK by Tim Mielants premiered in september 2019.
Sep. 28
Film by the Sea (Vlissingen)
Rincon International Film Festival
Firenze Film Festival
Kenya International Sports Film Festival (4 award wins: Best Film, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design)