A dysfunctional group of wannabe survivalists hunkers in a bunker to prepare for doomsday. But will their narcissism, delusions and jealousies end up killing them off before their long-awaited dream of a global cataclysm?
Technical Information
2020; Comedy, Mocumentary; Austria; 85 minutes; DCP, ProResHQ; 1:1,85; 5.1 mix; Original Language: German; Subtitles: English
Barbara Gräftner
Barbara Gräftner
Robert Winkler
Production Designer
Sarah Bernhardt
Costume Designers
Christian Alfred Kahrer
Christian A. Kahrer
Barbara Gräftner
Barbara Gräftner, Robert Winkler
Production Company
Bonus Film
Christian Strasser
Peter Pertusini
Daniela Golpashin
Marie-Christine Friedrich
Robert Finster

Barbara Gräftner is an Austrian screenwriter and director. Before she studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna she finished her studies of medicine at the University of Vienna with the degree as Dr. Med (M.D).
Her first feature Mein Russland (My Russia) won the award for the best feature film at Saarbrücken (Max Ophüls Award) in 2002. In 2005 Barbara won with Unterwegs nach Heimat (The Way Home) the award ROMY 05 for the best documentary. In 2010 her feature Echte Wiener – Die Deppat’n und die G’spritzt’n was the most successful Austrian movie in Austria and won the “Austria Ticket Award”. Her other feature films are Friday Night Horror (2012), Rise Up (2014) and Apocalypse, Please (2020). Barbara directed also several TV and feature documentaries. Her last one The Secret Of The Kenyan Runners has been finished at the beginning of 2020.
coming soon…
coming soon…